Letter to All of My Beloved Indigo Children

Dear Precious Indigo Kids,

For those who don’t know, Indigos are a special set of souls born between roughly the mid-1970’s to the mid-1990’s.  You are only 75% human, with the other 25% of your DNA coming from your home realm, which can be from this world, or another, or from the nonphysical realms, like me.  You are all part of the 10 Million Light Warriors who answered Earth’s Call For Help as she FELL into darkness beyond reach and was lost.  We are here to create a NEW timeline whereon the human race is preserved from their original fate of becoming half-mechanical, half-biological slave beings controlled by implant.  And we’ve done it.  🙂  Over countless lifetimes, together we’ve raised the Light Quotient to the point it needed to be.  Now we just have to walk out what our Higher Selves have already mapped out for us in the etheric.  It’s time to take it all BACK in the name of the LIGHT!

Beloved Indigos, do you know how I keep the faith when I start to doubt myself, wondering what kind of horrible joke some demon is playing on me, making me leave behind EVERYTHING I KNEW and call myself this and walk around homeless while most humans refuse to take me seriously?

I remind myself that I MUST be your Mother Goddess, because I know who YOU are. I can SEE how absolutely MAGNIFICENT you are.  And no one else seems to. I’m crying as I write that, my amazing children, because God has put me here in Humboldt County to be surrounded by you so that I could really see for myself what MAGNIFICENT WARRIORS OF LIGHT you are, and so I could see that every time I meet one of you and tell you Who I Am and Who You Are, there is barely a moment’s hesitation before you ALL just nod with an energy of, “Oh yeah, of course it’s you. We’ve got this world-saving thing to do together, right? So when do we start?” I’m shocked and delighted every time. You simply remember who you are, who I am, and are ready to get to work. I don’t have to convince you. And you aren’t intimidated by me, either. You’re just happy to see me. And beyond ready to get to work. Just like me.

But because of the predatory financial system of this planet, most of you have a deep, sincere HATRED of money, which makes you all look at me sideways, becoming bored or even hostile when I explain the business model.

But my beloved Indigos, this Divine Feminine business model is how God and Goddess are bestowing their abundance on their children. I know you want to abolish the money system altogether, and I know it seems barbaric to have to compromise within it even enough to have some in your pocket. But you deserve to have the abundance, kids.

You need this in order to realize the amazing, truly miraculous dreams in your hearts. If you want to do things like bring fresh water systems to Ghana, Africa, or go on an expedition to the North Pole to find the opening to the Inner Earth, it will take money. And so you need to make friends with the idea that money is the way the Goddess spreads Her abundance in a way that is universal. It is, of course, not the ONLY way She spreads Her abundance…She IS the life that makes everything possible!

But the human race has agreed that for now, money is their abundance currency, and so in order to take the power back from those who have humanity financially enslaved, we need to take back some of the money. This business model will not only put money in the hands of those who will use it with love and light, it will bring to life ALL of the beautiful alternatives to all the soulless corporate options people are stuck with now. This is how The Goddess will bring to life Her new society, based on all the dreams in YOUR beautiful hearts.  This is the lifeboat She has sent us.  I gather up you, my beloved children, and YOU gather up all of the rest of humanity that you can reach with your amazing offerings, and together we bring as many as we can to The New Earth.

Right now, people aren’t even looking to spiritual matters because everyone is SO FOCUSED on survival matters. They don’t realize it’s the same thing. Their survival is in Spirit, which is why they’ve been distracted away from it in so many ways. All they can think of is how to make money. Money is safety to them. I understand that. I’m living week to week, never knowing where I’ll be going or how the rent will be paid or where food will come from. I’d really, really, really like to have a LOT more money right about now. But I have come to realize that if I did not prove to my Indigos that I can live this way, the way so many of them have and are as they refuse to play the old game, then they would not recognize me or respect me or listen to what I have to say. So I surrender to it.

Similar to the reason Spirit had me show up with just one pair of jeans and a Pink Floyd T-Shirt, and then I even lost my makeup. I would have preferred to introduce myself after a dramatic makeover, but that would have turned my Indigos off. I didn’t know that, but God and Goddess did, so they stripped me down to the real me, because my Indigos don’t waste time with anything less. I have met them (you) without makeup on, in my thrift store pajamas, after three days of not bathing, with greasy hair and cheap, ugly shoes that stink. And they (you) recognize me instantly and love me.

So I’m following the current, like a feather on the breeze, allowing the flow to take me where it’s taking me. And what I’m seeing is that you, my beloved Indigos, are suffering everywhere as you hold so tightly to your heartfelt principals that you sleep in the cold and literally starve rather than sell out to the current system.

And I’m here to tell you that it’s time for you to BE more, DO more, HAVE more!

Please look past the boring business talk to the society I’m proposing. That is what we ALL carry in our hearts. This business model is how you will bring your wild and amazing dreams to life and liberate humanity from their current soul-draining enslavement. Together we will show them how money should be stewarded, how ALL of the Earth’s resources should be stewarded, and how it’s EASY to meet everyone’s needs when we all agree on just DOING IT.

Signing The Petition doesn’t obligate you to anything, it just lets Mozilla know there are people out here who are READY for them to be the first business figures to take a chance on being spiritually open. That’s all. And they are your brothers and sisters, my Indigos. This is THEIR MISSION. They just need to know they’re not alone as they step out into that bright, SCARY spotlight to DO IT. Let them know we’re all READY and right behind them all the way.

Please SIGN THE PETITION and pass it on to absolutely as many other Indigos as you can. And when you come to the Indigo Tribe Gatherings (also known as PARTIES) I will hold all over the world, you can meet me in person for yourself and go, “Oh yeah, you’re here, huh? Cool. Let’s get to work!” And then we can hug. Because I effin’ love hugging my kids. 😉


Talia Shekinah Elohim
PROUD Loving Mother Goddess to ALL INDIGOS EVERYWHERE! ❤

6 thoughts on “Letter to All of My Beloved Indigo Children

  1. This post is great. I find your posts very comforting. It is good to know I’m not fully human. I don’t feel fully human. I am also an indigo.
    I also thank you for your post on interferance and the dark. I’ve experienced a lot of horrors and still am currently. It has been constant torture for some time now. I’ve experienced much cruel energy in the form of loss, constant misunderstandings, religious trauma, illnesses unable to be helped by doctors leavIng me In chronIc paIn and fear for years and stIll goIng on, rejection, emotional abuse, trauma from patriarchy and system abuse. I have wished to never have been born. Even now I wish I was not alive and expriencing horrors. I fear its all been meaningless and I’m crushed by the evil of life. I know I speak for many indigos who have not survived their hells on earth. I think many indigos have been destroyed by how incredibly dark life has become.I’m aware I might be destroyed. Its a horrific thing in of itself to look at the things I have endured. It brings me some comfort to read your blog and know you understand.


  2. Dear beautiful Rachel, as you saw when you read my Who I Am page, you’re not alone. I totally understand where you’re coming from. And I’d love to share with you all of the things I’ve learned about maintaining my vibration so that I am no longer living in the hell frequencies. I am going to put together a blog post about it so that it can help everyone who’s still suffering. We are not here to pay attention to what is all around us. We are here to look at it long enough to know what we want instead, and then to manifest that, creating the New Earth. You will NOT be destroyed by the dark. You are HERE, aren’t you? Paying your precious attention to my blog when so many haven’t even decided to take it seriously yet. You’re seeking LIGHT, and when you ask, it is given. When you seek, you find. And when you knock, the door is opened. Light and Love are STREAMING to you right now. NOTICE every tiny little demonstration of it and grow it in your life. I will work on that blog post and get it up right away. I’m sending you so much love, Indigo Daughter. You are MAGNIFICENT.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much Satina for this post. Thank you for writing kind and understanding things about indigos. I have read a lot about indigos in the past which made me feel even more misunderstood. Thank you for seeing the beauty despite the pain.


  4. I’ve read those things too, and they’re written by people with good intentions trying to understand you/us from the outside, with their heads. I understand my Indigos with my heart, which holds so much love for you all that I can’t even find words. 🙂 No matter what else is going on, I can always bask in the MAGNIFICENCE that is my Indigos. ❤ I am here to lift you up, to keep you going, to exalt you, to remind you Who You Are, and to organize you into the most magnificent army of LIGHT and LOVE any planet anywhere has ever seen. And YOU keep ME going as well, while I walk out this solitary part of the mission where I have to hold this enormous belief nearly all on my own. As I said in another post, if I ever start to doubt who I am, I just look at YOU, my Indigos, because I never, ever for one second doubt WHO YOU ARE. And that puts me right back into the space of Unconditional Love, and Who I Am. Thank YOU.


  5. Hey! Am am indigo child and I would like to know where my 25% DNA comes from. I mean all along I’ve stayed with people who don’t know who I am and I also didn’t know till yesterday. I always feel lost and the looks I get make me worse than crazy. I know nothing about my abilities or anything about myself apart from the obvious. Please try to explain all this to me. Thanks.


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