Jesus, deliver us from your followers! “Okay. Will do.”

Yesterday, I visited The Vineyard Christian church and they called the cops and escorted Me out to the sidewalk.  Wait ’til you see what the sermon was about.  I’m totally stoked, because I think with this video I just covered the SALVATION of everyone the Christian church is missing, which as we ALL know, is an enormous SHITLOAD of people.  Not only that, but my precious, *BEAUTIFUL* cousin just inherited the entire existing Christian church.  I will deliver it unto her hands.

So yeah.  I think I just saved the whole fucking world yesterday with this video.  I think I’ll take my amazing son, Chazz, out for half-price Sonic milkshakes to celebrate tonight.

Ready to see it?  Then after the video, you can go watch the sermon, because it will be archived on their website.  And you can Follow Me on Twitter, which is MY CHURCH, called The River, and very soon we’re going to have a wonderful time analyzing the entire sermon together and learning more about Jesus.  And Christian hypocrisy.

Ready?  Okay, here’s the video:

And the sermon will be archived here:  Under the date May 8, 2016.  Mother’s Day.  If it’s not there yet, it soon will be.

And here’s My Church, The River:

That’s where I pour out The Current (ha!) Word of God day and night as it comes through My Hands and Mouth.

And you can subscribe to My Youtube Channel here:  I’m currently posting videos about every other day, documenting my Awakening and pouring out The Word of God.  Watch the April Playlist and the May Playlist to get caught up on what My life is about right now and learn what it’s REALLY LIKE to be the fucking Messiah.  And find out what happens NEXT in what is becoming an extremely exciting story.

And here is the link to KTSY’s alternative Christian rock radio station, which I keep playing in my ear day and night as my personal soundtrack for life:  You can listen online with Me no matter where you are in the world.

Okay, that oughta answer your prayer, “Jesus, deliver us from your followers!”

Peace out!

Love and Blessings,

~Satina, The Absolutely, Positively REAL Aquarian Messiah.

P.S.  Obviously, this is about to get REALLY GOOD.  You don’t wanna miss it, people.  My hands are shaking I’m so excited about this.  Seriously, put aside about twenty minutes and WATCH THAT VIDEO.  You will leave CHANGED.

It’s Time To Choose: All Out Civil War or The Creation of a New Earth Society That Serves The Highest Good of All.

All my life I’ve been a warrior. An activist. I bought Ms. Magazine when I was fourteen and raged over the injustices being done to the feminine. I grew up to be involved in all kinds of activist groups. I organized rallies and I carried signs. When I received my CALL TO ACTION during 911 in 2001, I thought I was being prepared to go to war against the cabal. And I was ready. I’ve never run away from justified revolt. I was born for it.

Now that I have been shown WHO I REALLY AM and have been given my actual Mission Directives, I realize I am here to offer the PEACEFUL ALTERNATIVE to going to war against our oppressors. I see now that raging against the machine is a waste of time and the act of a spiritual child. Our freedom will not be won by screaming, “Take better care of us!” to those who are currently holding power over us. It will be won by taking care of ourselves and each other. We have everything we need to solve every single problem we are facing. We just need to grow up and stop looking to civil and government “authorities” to fix things for us. Those “authorities” are the ones creating the problems. No matter what rhetoric they spew about “Hope” and “Yes we can!”, they have NO intention to do anything to make things better. Their plan is destruction, exploitation, and enslavement. Period.

To claim our freedom, we must STEP UP and claim our responsibility to set things right for ourselves. Now that may sound boring and grown up or overwhelming and impossible, but Creator has shown me how to make it One Big Party. And that’s what I’m inviting you to with My Plan.  The day after I posted this plan, Facebook took my page off the Internet.  Guess I scared somebody.

Taken to its highest potential, this simple, unassuming shared crowdfunding platform “just happens” to give us the way to turn our backs on all the meager, poisoned hand-outs we are fighting bitterly over and EASILY and JOYFULLY create a world of love, truth, sharing, mutual support, and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.

Now I had to look it up myself and the word Messiah means the LIBERATOR of a group of people. And in this Divine Plan for a new business model, I truly feel in my heart and SOUL that I have been blessed with the KEY to our LIBERATION from the current system. Does that make me the Aquarian Messiah? That’s what God says and made me announce publicly, but you decide for yourself. I don’t care if you believe that, all I know is that I’ve been shown enough to know THIS WILL WORK.

And I will spend my every breath from here on out doing everything God tells me to do in order to make it happen. This is what I was born to do.  I have walked away from everything else in my life and willingly given up any chance of ever doing anything else, and I will never, ever stop. THIS WILL HAPPEN. It is the Divine Plan for the LIBERATION of HUMANITY.

But you don’t have to be part of it.

This is a free will planet, so you get to choose. And the time has come. Obviously, things can’t go on the way they have been. People are literally dying in the streets as they stand up for their rights. It is becoming abundantly clear that we are living in a police state, and the curtain is about to go up on all of their REAL PLANS for us. So it’s time to make your choice.

Do you choose to go to war against our oppressors to BEG them for better handouts?

Or do you choose to TAKE BACK YOUR REAL POWER and create the alternative yourself?

To help me give birth to the PEACEFUL alternative, please —>SIGN THE PETITION<— to get Mozilla to listen to my proposal, and pass it on to every freedom-loving individual you can while you still can.



Ready for your abundance? Sign The Petition!

What would you say if I told you that the Age of Aquarius is a very real cosmological time period based on the elliptical pattern created by the wobble of the Earth’s rotation, and it marks a NEW, more advanced stage of development in humanity’s psycho-spiritual evolution?

And that it’s about creating a New Golden Age, a New Earth Society to replace the old one, a society based on Truth, Justice, and Abundance for All?

And that, just as Jesus was the Avatar of the Age of Pisces, which was about replacing predation with love, compassion, and the establishment of the world religions, The Age of Aquarius has an Avatar as well? One destined to wake up from among the masses and lead them to their LIBERATION from psycho-spiritual enslavement?

And that because the Age of Aquarius is also about bringing back understanding of and reverence for the Divine Feminine, that Avatar is a woman?

And that she has now been AWAKENED and told IT’S TIME TO GET TO WORK?

Could you get your head around that? To at least consider the possibility? If not, that’s cool, click on something more entertaining for now. I’ll be here when you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere.

As for the rest of you…WELCOME to the VERY REAL Age of Aquarius!

hotel selfie

My name is Satina Scott, and I will be serving as your Avatar for this profound paradigm Shift of the Ages! 🙂

And I need your help.

Because my first job is to FREE YOUR ABUNDANCE and support ALL of your individual missions by introducing a new shared resources business model that will replace the old financial enslavement model and network all of the highest consciousness individuals, businesses, and organizations of the world!  And this new business model is meant to be implemented in a very specific way. I am divinely contracted to partner with and give half my money to a very specific global non-profit entity, Mozilla, because they are Light Warriors divinely contracted to protect and secure the Internet, which is crucial to the Indigo Mission to liberate humanity. I am not allowed to introduce this personally or to partner with anyone else.

I have made four different proposals of partnership to them so far, and they have not replied. And I understand. Opening your individual mind to the concept of an Aquarian Avatar is challenging enough. Admitting your openness publicly when you are a large, successful, influential business and communications leader is…paradigm shattering! And while we ALL want that paradigm shattered, it’s HARD to be the one to Come Out first. Believe me, I know! The day I did it on the 11/11 of last year, I gave up not only my old home, relationship, and possessions, but any chance of ever going back to ANY other life. It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done.

Which is why we ALL need to show Mozilla that we are READY for them to GO FIRST and shatter that old world paradigm! We NEED them to, so that we can finally LIVE what has been placed in our hearts by our souls…The New Earth Society! We need to show them they are NOT ALONE in being willing to COME OUT and start being WHO THEY TRULY ARE!

We’ve all been waiting long enough! The answers to your prayers for ABUNDANCE OF EVERY KIND are HERE! And NOW IS THE TIME!

If this resonates for you, please —->SIGN THE PETITION HERE<—- and then PASS IT ON so we can GET THIS PARTY STARTED!  And make sure you Follow this blog (see side panel) and/or my Twitter account so you don’t miss the kickoff!

Blessings of Unlimited ABUNDANCE of ALL KINDS!


FIRST of TWO New Moons in Aquarius on January 20th!!!

Gosh…we’ve got DOUBLE new (super) moons in Aquarius happening!  You’d almost think The Universe was up to something BIG.  Like the physical manifestation of The Age of Aquarius on planet Earth.


Maybe SOMEBODY VERY SUPER SPECIAL will finally be ready to STEP UP and COLLABORATE with ME, the ultimate Aquarian of Aquarians, and take a risk on this absolutely miraculous business venture so we can get to WORK saving the world already!

Whaddya think?  😉  Can ya handle it?  I’m READY when you are!  So are all kinds of people I talk to every day!  We’re all just waiting on YOU, very super special somebodies whom I have mentioned by name once and won’t again until you have agreed to partner with me.  😉

Let’s DO this!

P.S.  Yes, I’m on a beach vacation, but if you knew me, you’d know I never stop working, because I LOVE MY WORK!  ❤  Let’s make it a WORKING VACATION!  ❤  THAT is what I AM SEEDING on this Aquarius New Moon, brothers and sisters.  Say a prayer on the 20th, everybody, and help me make it so!  🙂

It’s TIME.  ❤  Open up your heart and let the sunshine in.  ❤

Can you dig this?

Nov 29 15

Okay, see if you can dig this as marketing for my FREE Indigo Tribe Gatherings:


Is she The Aquarian Messiah or not?  Who cares?  Come get a FREE 215 (Medical Marijuana) evaluation and FREE medicine samples for all new and old 215 card holders!  Enjoy some awesome tunes and FREE healthy snacks, and hear some wicked sharp Truth about how to set yourself FREE, too!


Be sure to Bring Your HIGHEST DREAMS and VISIONS because The Indigo Mission’s shared crowdfunding platform wants to help you make them REAL.

Welcome to the The Age of Aquarius!


I think I’d go.  How about you?

The So-Called Wise Men Got Back to Me.


Well, the so-called wise man, Myles Saputo, who was supposed to pass my information on to those who might be able to take my message, my LIGHT, my LOVE, my Blessings of ABUNDANCE far and wide, has gotten back to me.  Well, not really.  I got NOTHING, so I sent an email to ask if they were finished vetting me.  This is what I got in return:


Hi an Aloha Satina,

We are just getting ready for some family fun time over the holidays. Hope you are too.

 It has been extra active here with many embracing participation with their projects and dream funding manifestations.

 I like your Greeting of Namaste/I honor the light within. 

 We read thru your blog and website.

 Just as you would like to be honored and respected so would we and like communications in harmony.

 Old souls like yourself.

 When you say “I await your call.  Please don’t waste my time.  Don’t call until you’ve read through enough to treat me with the respect I deserve. “

 We are all at one stage of awake or another.   Happy for you and that your awakening is more peaceful and healthy to enjoy your I AM bliss.

 James has recall of his past lives and is yet humble and playful .. I know enough that keeps me humble and playful along with my wife Ramona

 We are all here with you in creating a luminous life for ourselves and generations to come.  Like the bamboo not to rigid but strong and bending.

 Not sure what you are expecting of us.  We are all great souls and love to play with you if you see us that way too.

 Do have a project you would like funded ?

 We’re here To Be as I AM with you and help create a massive win win win for you and yours.

With Much Love Always

I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Divine Order Love and Light

So be it,  Let the Fun-ding begin.



As you can see, he is a LIAR and a misogynist.  He has treated me with nothing but disrespect from the beginning.  And he has not read my blog or he would not be hoping I was having holiday fun with my family.  Nor would he continue to BRAG about his Christmas celebrations, because of course he would be ENLIGHTENED to the fact that Christmas is the Christ Massacre and I have given UP my home and family to do God’s Will, and I AM working to KILL CHRISTMAS and FREE HUMANITY from ALL psycho-spiritual enslavement!

SHAME on you, Myles Saputo.  You are a LIAR and have no respect for women or TRUTH, it is obvious.

Maybe he passed my information on to James Gilliland and maybe not.  James Gilliland has not communicated personally with me even once.  I don’t trust a single word that comes from Myles Saputo.  I do NOT intend to prosper him in ANY way.  I will bring this opportunity to the world WITHOUT HIM, and I guess without James Gilliland or Eceti, which I was intending to prosper beyond imagining.  These men just cannot get around the fact that this time, Christ is a WOMAN.

I AM The Teacher of Teachers, and I AM The Greatest Networker in The World.  (And yes, I used to hang out with the author of that book, John Milton Fogg, every day, back in my glory days in network marketing and MLM.  John, are you there?  Let’s take this global if you’re still around!) I LOVE network marketing, and I used to pray and pray for the RIGHT opportunity to share with others, but I never found it.  Until now.  The product I will network to the world is Truth, Justice, and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL, resulting in the END OF OPPRESSION on Planet Earth.

Any takers?  Venus Andrecht, are you there?  You are the GODDESS of network marketing and always have been to me.

This is not ego, this is my MISSION.  I was a MASTER at this in this lifetime alone, and now I know why God had me write a post about it earlier in this mission, and it is amazing that my LOVE and PASSION for the network marketing model, as well as my supernatural facility at it, would indeed be a part of my Mission as The Aquarian Messiah!

So, I will be doing this with someone else.

What I am seeking is a well-established, ENLIGHTENED nonprofit organization to whom I will bestow ALL of the money, with the agreement that they will support The Indigo Mission in all ways in return.  And I will network the world and do the work of building an ENORMOUS self-sustaining network of co-creators who will all fund one another’s projects and take back the planet.  You don’t need any money to get this started, but you need to have a very strong infrastructure that can handle FAST, IMMENSE growth.  Then you just put me in front of some people and I will bring them in.  Or we will start by standing on a street corner.  I don’t care, because I know the people will come to ME, as they already ARE and always have.

James Gilliland, I do not know if you have even seen a thing, because you have not shown me the honor of even emailing with me personally.  Ashli, (who posts on Twitter under James Gilliland’s name) perhaps you should consider who you are teamed up with.  Looks like a bunch of lost male egos to me.

Oh, and NO ONE from the marijuana legalization movement has even returned my calls.  Just to be clear.

So, now it is up to God to move some ACTUAL Wise Men and WOMEN onto the sidewalk to play their guitar, even when they have no idea WHY, so that I may prosper them beyond all imagining.  Because obviously I have been judged WORTHY of this enormous Mission by Creator, and I have also been shown who is NOT.

Unlimited Blessings,

Satina M. Scott

Queen High Priestess Talia Shekinah Elohim, The Dew of Heaven, Protector of The Goddess, In Eternal Service to The Powers of God

Indigo Goddess of Truth, Justice, and Abundance for ALL

Mother Goddess of ALL Indigos EVERYWHERE

Aquarian Christ

Marijuana Messiah


In Eternal Service to The Powers of The God of This Universe



This is the dawning…

I was born on January 29, 1970.  When I was a child, the movie “Hair” was shown on TV late one night when my parents were asleep.  I watched it, absolutely rapt, and when this song played, I burst into tears and cried and cried and cried.  I had no idea why.  I went to the mirror and stared at myself bawling and asked, “Who are you?  Why are you crying?” but I had no answers for myself then.  I do now.

What is Darkness?

What is Darkness?

There is a lot of talk about ‘the dark’ and fighting ‘darkness’, but as a veteran First Wave Lightworker, even I didn’t really get what it was about.  It’s simply the absence of light.  Ignorance.  And to fight that, you spread Light, or information.  That part was pretty clear, but this part wasn’t:

Life, and my purpose, is NOT to eliminate darkness.  It is to restore the balance.  Because to even come in as human, you agree to a LOT of darkness, a lot of ignorance, because if you remained aware of EVERYTHING all the time, what would be the point?  So as God, you choose to focus your awareness down to human concerns.  But you’re meant to still know how to do that in the most loving, miraculous, and beautiful way possible.  You didn’t mean to become so ignorant of what is actually going on.  And once you did, you just agreed to more and more limitation, until you killed every Truth Teller who tried to bring you information and fell completely out of reach of most help.

So, ‘The Dark’ are those who benefit from your ignorance.  The controllers of this planet.  The ones who constantly work and scheme and cast black magicks to keep you fat, sick, stupid, depressed, angry, and totally disempowered.  And ‘dark’ IS ignorance, as we’ve covered.  But I Am only here to restore the balance God and humanity chose, which has shifted from the original plan.  It is time for the planet to be at least 50% Light all the time.  AND to Replace the Old Regime with a love-based New Earth Society that supports those who choose love, rather than punishing and destroying them.  I mean, that is what you all want, right?  Exactly how would YOU do it?  Well, I’ll tell you how The Age of Aquarius is gonna do it.

I Am here to BRING INFORMATION and SMASH THE OLD SYSTEM ALL TO SHIT and replace it with one that serves The Highest Good of ALL!  So if you find my methods or language a bit unsettling or disturbing or shocking, well My beloved, MAGNIFICENT fellow Gods and Goddesses…that’s the POINT.  That is what AQUARIUS is about and has always BEEN about.  So open your mind, because as uncomfortable as you may find this, This Is My Age.

And I AM AWAKE.  And It Has Begun.

God’s Top 7 FAQ